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Freedom of information

FOI disclosure log

FOI disclosure log policy

The department's Freedom of Information (FOI) disclosure log contains documents released by the department to the FOI applicant as required under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

The disclosure log improves the public's access to government information.

If deemed unreasonable to do so, the department will not publish the following information on the disclosure log:

  • personal information or information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person if publication would be unreasonable;
  • information that the Australian Information Commissioner has determined should not be disclosed;
  • information that cannot reasonably practicably be published because of the extent of modifications necessary to delete any of the above information.

If the link to the document is not working, or the format of the document is not accessible, please request a copy by email to, and the department will endeavour to meet all reasonable requests for an alternate format of the document in a timely manner.

The department publishes documents within 10 working days after the FOI applicant is given access to the documents. The exact timeframe varies depending upon the FOI Section and the Information Publishing Sections workload.

All enquiries can be directed to the Freedom of Information Section by using the following contact details:



Freedom of Information Section
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
R G Casey Building
John McEwen Crescent
Barton ACT 0221

The disclosure log has been operational since May 2011.

FOI disclosure log documents

  • 1 Date that the FOI applicant was given access to a document under s11A.
  • 2 A short summary of the FOI access request.
  • 3 A short summary of the information provided under s11A.

FOI reference number Date of access FOI request Information published in the disclosure log [please provide a link to attached document]

FOI Reference number LEX11925

Date of access1

10 February 2025

FOI request2

A document containing the “… arrangements approved by the … principal officer … of the …”Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in relation to allowing “… a further period for making an application …” for the internal review of a decision relating to a freedom of information application (54B(3)(b) and 54B(2)).

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11925 [PDF 1 MB]

FOI Reference number LEX11921

Date of access1

7 February 2025

FOI request2

- Communication - including emails, memos and briefs - sent within the Office of the Pacific discussing any risks associated to the creation of a Papua New Guinea team in the National Rugby League (NRL).
- Limit search to documents produced between January and June 2024.
- Don't include text messages such as SMS, WhatsApp and Signal etc

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11921 [PDF 11 MB]

FOI Reference number LEX11855

Date of access1

6 February 2025

FOI request2

A list of costs incurred for all the overseas travel (flights, accommodation, ground travel, travel allowance) for First Nations Ambassador - Mr Justin Mohamed - from 1 July 2024 to 30 November 2024.

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11855 [PDF 140 KB]

FOI Reference number LEX11842

Date of access1

6 February 2025

FOI request2

...the Style Guides/Brand Guides/Writing Guides currently used for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade'.

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11842 [PDF 6 MB]

FOI Reference number LEX11916

Date of access1

4 February 2025

FOI request2

  1. any documentation which will determine which category the phrase "All rights reserved" is falling under (unacceptable, or inappropriate or offensive) according to subsection 53(4) of the Australian Passports Act 2005 as part of the signature on a passport, allowing the Minister to refuse signatures containing the foregoing phrase; and
  2. any documentation which is used to justify that the phrase "All rights reserved" is deemed unacceptable, or inappropriate or offensive as per Passport Policy document located on the DF AT website under URL; or
  3. in the absence of any of the above, any documentation that would justify how it is not an arbitrary (or even worse, a discriminatory) action from the DFAT and their agents to refuse signatures that contain the phrase "All rights reserved"; and
  4. any documents showing the authority of the DF AT and their agents to request a man to change his signature.

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11916 [PDF 885 KB]

FOI Reference number LEX11898

Date of access1

31 January 2025

FOI request2

A list with all invoices received for Welcome to Country ceremonies held in the financial years 2022/23 and 2023/24.

James Stevens MP – Federal Member for Sturt agrees to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade extracting a list from the Departments Finance System using key word search with third party information removed as per section 17 of the FOI Act.

Key words to be searched in relation to the above FOI request are:

  1. welcome to country
  2. ceremonies
  3. ceremony
  4. acknowledgement
  5. smoking
  6. first nations
  7. traditional owners

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11898 [PDF 839 KB]

FOI Reference number LEX11728

Date of access1

31 January 2025

FOI request2

... all costs incurred in procuring AusTender Contract Notice: CN4103052 - Sports Innovation Summit.

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11728 [PDF 58 KB]

FOI Reference number LEX11742

Date of access1

29 January 2025

FOI request2

Documents provided by the Department to the office of the minister for foreign affairs relating to the election of US President Elect Donald Trump. Please limit searches to documents relating to Trump himself, and documents relating to the potential effects of Trump's policy agenda on Australia, the Australian government and its policy agenda, or the Australian economy.

Please limit searches for these documents to those created inside the US, UK & Canada Branch, and limit this search to final versions of documents. Please limit searches for these documents to the period 3 November to 7 November 2024. Please exclude publicly available documents (news clippings etc).

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11742 [PDF 10 MB]

FOI Reference number LEX11696

Date of access1

29 January 2025

FOI request2

Scarlet Alliance is a registered charity with ABN 86612112065. Its Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ending 30/06/2015 indicates it received money in 2014 and 2015 from DFAT via a grant named "Regional HIV Capacity Building

I request a copy of any agreements, deeds, contracts or similar documents involving or relating to Scarlet Alliance. This request seeks copies of grants, deeds, agreements or similar documents relating to Scarlet Alliance, including but not limited to, the Regional HIV Capacity Building Program. There may have been more than one grant provided to Scarlet Alliance over the timeframe specified in this request. The timeframe for this request is 01/01/2008 - 31/12/2023. I am not seeking personal information, please exclude all personal information.

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11696 [PDF 15 MB]

FOI Reference number LEX11845

Date of access1

28 January 2025

FOI request2

All correspondence and documents, including but not limited to emails, quotes, receipts, brochures, in relation to the purchase of a motor vehicle with a contract value of $130,502.15 (Referred to in AusTender as CN4112540).

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11845 [PDF 4.5 MB]

FOI Reference number LEX11832

Date of access1

28 January 2025

FOI request2

….all documents created since 2 September, 2024 in relation to hiring and/or using and/or payment to and/or booking of a didgeridoo player to perform at an Australia Day performance in Singapore from the Australian High Commission in Singapore and/or DFAT.

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11832 [PDF 2 MB]

FOI Reference number LEX11737

Date of access1

24 January 2025

FOI request2

1) Ministerial submissions, briefings and/or talking points provided by DFAT to the Minister for Foreign Affairs that relate to draft United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution A/C.1/79/L.39 concerning nuclear war effects and scientific research (approved by the First Committee of the General Assembly on 1 November 2024); and

2) Cables, correspondence, emails and/or other communications between DFAT and the Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations that relate to draft UNGA resolution A/C.1/79/L.39.

The scope of this Freedom of Information application includes records that relate to drafts of the draft resolution prior to the final draft circulated with reference A/C.1/79/L.39 to United Nations member states on 15 October 2024.

I do not seek access to duplicates of any document captured within the scope of the request; nor the mobile numbers or full email addresses of government officials, nor the names and contact details of government officials not in the Senior Executive Service or equivalent.

I do ask that junior officials’ positions or titles be left unredacted, along with email domains that provide useful information as to the origin and destination of communication e.g. ‘[redacted]’.

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11737 [PDF 2 MB]

FOI Reference number LEX11702

Date of access1

23 January 2025

FOI request2

Copy of formal diplomatic or other statements or notes, which relate to Australia's recognition and establishment of diplomatic relations, that were exchanged between the government of Australia and Kosovo (around 2008)

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11702 [PDF 4.8 MB]

FOI Reference number LEX11890

Date of access1

20 January 2025

FOI request2

Email correspondence within the department that refers to suspected methanol cases involving Australian citizens overseas between 2021-2024. I am not seeking personal information, or responses from foreign governments and diplomats, but I am seeking emails that outline where the suspected cases are and how Australians have been supported.

Alternatively, if the above is not practical, I am seeking a list of all countries where suspected methanol poisoning has been reported to the department between 2021 and 2024 and on how many occasions.

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11890 [PDF 656 KB]

FOI Reference number LEX11760

Date of access1

16 January 2025

FOI request2

Briefings prepared for Department staff for Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee hearings on 16/02/2022 and 16/02/2023 in regards to the Australian Passport Office

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11760 [PDF 12 MB]

FOI Reference number LEX11878

Date of access1

10 January 2025

FOI request2

the invoice and a document that contains the scope of the project related to: MERCHANDISE PRODUCT – Stationery: Promotion Products – AusTender Contract Notice: CN4114983. If a document does not exist, please provide the final contract and any variations to the contract.

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11878 [PDF 4 MB]

FOI Reference number LEX11805

Date of access1

8 January 2025

FOI request2

Please provide the invoice and a document that contains the scope of the project related to: Assisted departure flights from Lebanon - Passenger air transportation: Qatar Airways Q.C.S.C – AusTender Contract Notice: CN4107752. If a document does not exist, please provide the final contract and any variations to the contract.

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11805 [PDF 8 MB]

FOI Reference number LEX11730

Date of access1

8 January 2025

FOI request2

Any outbound email correspondence sent by both Minister King and Minister Farrell's offices which is addressed to a “” email address.

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11730 [PDF 5 MB]

FOI Reference number LEX11806

Date of access1

7 January 2025

FOI request2

The invoice and a document that contains the scope of the project related to: Travel Facilitation - Travel facilitation: Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation – AusTender Contract Notice: CN4106574. If a document does not exist, please provide the final contract and any variations to the contract.

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11806 [PDF 6 MB]

FOI Reference number LEX11741

Date of access1

6 January 2025

FOI request2

All documents or files held by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, or held by the foreign affairs minister's office, relating to the Prime Minister's call with Donald Trump on 7 November.

Please include documents including, but not limited to: internal emails and correspondence; emails and correspondence with US counterparts; any briefing notes, talking points, speech notes or similar documents prepared for the call; any summaries, minutes or transcripts of the call itself; any emails relating to the preparation of the readout which was publicly released after the call; any draft versions or alternate versions of the readout which were prepared; any audio files of the call which may have been captured.

Please limit searches for these documents to the period 3 November to 8 November 2024. Please exclude publicly available documents (news clippings etc).

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11741[PDF 10 MB]

FOI Reference number LEX11738

Date of access1

2 January 2025

FOI request2

The invoice and a document that contains the scope of the project related to: ER Garden Refurbishment - Interior plant landscaping services: PT ANACITA KREASI RUANG - AusTender Contract Notice: CN4103646. 

Information published in the disclosure log3

LEX11738 [PDF 2 MB]

Older disclosure logs

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