Papua New Guinea

May 2024
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Papua New Guinea Development Cooperation Factsheet [PDF 327 KB]
Estimated Australian ODA: 2024-25: $637.4 mil
Gross National Income Per Capita: USD2,700 (2022)
Population: 10.1 mil (2022)
Australian ODA | 2022-23 Actual ($m)* | 2023-24 Budget Estimate ($m)* | 2024-25 Budget Estimate ($m)* |
Country Programs | 480.4 | 500.0 | 500.0 |
Regional | 106.5 | 63.7 | 43.6 |
Global | 17.0 | 15.9 | 16.6 |
Other Government Departments | 40.0 | 36.6 | 77.2 |
Total ODA to PNG | 643.9 | 616.2 | 637.4 |
*Due to rounding, discrepancies may occur between sums of the component items in totals.
Australia is working with the PNG Government to build a region that is peaceful, stable, and prosperous. Our modern partnership is framed through joint commitments to the PNG-Australia Comprehensive Strategic and Economic Partnership (CSEP) and our Bilateral Security Agreement, guiding our cooperation on the economy, governance, law and justice, security, health, education, climate change and gender equality, disability equity and social inclusion.
Strategic direction
Australia is listening to and working in genuine partnership with PNG to support sustainable development and help build a safer and more resilient world.
Australia is continuing our extensive support to deliver critical infrastructure for PNG, recognising the key role this will play in PNG's future prosperity. This includes investments in ports, roads, telecommunications, grids, and social and climate smart infrastructure. PNG is the largest recipient of Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific (AIFFP) financing, significantly enhanced our presence in PNG's priority infrastructure sectors.
Australia delivers major investments in building PNG's human capital. We are continuing our support for education, promoting better health and nutrition, improving outcomes for women and people with disability, and building resilient communities including in the face of a changing climate.
Support for the rule of law and security in PNG is also a key focus through long term programs to strengthen policing and justice services. Australia is PNG's largest policing partner, and our Defence Cooperation Program is the largest for both countries.
Program highlights
- Maintained approximately 1,800km (42 per cent) of PNG's national priority, connecting communities to markets and services.
- Completed major construction at the ANGAU Memorial Hospital, including a new infectious disease ward.
- Supported increased access to services and referrals for gender-based violence survivors, assisting 11,091 women and girl survivors of violence to access services (in 2022-23) and supporting 5,762 survivors (102 with a disability) to access family and sexual violence case management services.
- Helped administer 481,306 routine vaccinations to children across 12 provinces (in 2022–23)
- Provided 8,808 solar home kits and 343 solar streetlights, supporting access to renewable energy for over 100,000 people.