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Australia-EU FTA Submissions

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) welcomes submissions throughout the negotiations from interested individuals and groups on the potential opportunities and impacts of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the European Union (EU). Individuals, organisations and groups that make submissions are registered as stakeholders by the Department for further consultation and follow up, as appropriate.

Stakeholders are invited to consider and comment on the commercial, economic, regional and other opportunities and impacts that could be expected to arise from an Australia-EU FTA. In your submission, you may wish to focus on specific market access challenges and other issues of importance in doing business with the EU or EU member states. Especially helpful would be information on tariff and non-tariff barriers to goods and services trade and barriers to investment.

Possible issues stakeholders may wish to address include:

  • goods market access (tariffs and quotas)
  • biosecurity and food safety issues
  • regulatory issues
  • customs procedures
  • cross-border trade in services
  • investment, including investor-state dispute settlement
  • government procurement
  • intellectual property, including geographical indications
  • movement of persons
  • competition policy
  • sustainable development.

Observations based on past experience in the EU or in other markets that may have some bearing upon a future FTA would be received with interest. Alternatively, you may wish to raise more general issues associated with the impact of a possible Australia-EU FTA on Australia.

The information stakeholders provide will assist the Government in determining Australia's key priorities as we negotiate an FTA with the EU.

Written submissions may take several forms – from a short email through to a more comprehensive analytical paper.

Submissions can be lodged through the following:



Australia-European Union Free Trade Agreement

Office of Trade Negotiations

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

RG Casey Building

John McEwen Crescent

Barton ACT 0221

All submissions will be made publicly available on the DFAT website unless the author specifies otherwise. These documents have not been produced by us and may not meet WCAG 2.0 Level AA requirements. Please contact us at to obtain alternative copies.

Submissions received (PDF files)

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