Child protection
The Child Protection Policy contains these five guiding principles.
Principle 1: Zero tolerance of child exploitation and abuse
DFAT has a zero tolerance approach to child exploitation and abuse. Such action attracts criminal, civil and disciplinary sanctions. DFAT will not knowingly engage–directly or indirectly–anyone who poses a risk to children.
DFAT works to minimise the risks of child exploitation and abuse associated with its functions and programs, and trains its staff and partners on their obligations under this policy.
Principle 2: Assess and manage child protection risk and impact
While it is not possible to entirely eliminate risks of child exploitation and abuse, careful management can identify, mitigate, manage or reduce the risks to children that may be associated with DFAT functions and programs.
Principle 3: Sharing responsibility for child protection
To effectively manage risks to children, DFAT requires the commitment, support and cooperation of partner organisations and individuals who help to deliver programs administered by DFAT.
Principle 4: Procedural fairness
DFAT will apply procedural fairness when making decisions that affect a person's rights or interests. DFAT's partners are expected to adhere to this principle when responding to concerns or allegations of child exploitation and abuse.1
Principle 5: Recognition of the best interests of the child
Australia is a signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. DFAT is committed to upholding the rights of the child and Australia's obligations under this convention. In all actions concerning children the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.