
Bilateral relationship
- Germany country brief – bilateral fact sheet
- Australia-Germany Foreign Ministers’ Statement (2023)
- Australia-Germany Enhanced Strategic Partnership (2021)
- Australia-Germany 2+2 Ministerial Consultations (2021)
- Berlin-Canberra Declaration of Intent on a Strategic Partnership (2013)
Economic and trade information
Australia-Germany hydrogen cooperation
- Declaration of Intent between the Government of Australia and the Government of Germany on the Australia-Germany Hydrogen Accord (2021)
- Hydrogen: the energy resource of the future | Australian Embassy Germany
Australia-Germany Advisory Group
- Deepening Australia's Relationship With Germany
- Collaboration, Innovation and Opportunity, Report of the Australia-Germany Advisory Group (2015)
- Progress Report of the Australia-Germany Advisory Group [PDF 7.68 MB] (2016)
Travel information
- Before you travel, visit
- Read the travel advice for Germany
- Subscribe to updates
- Get the right travel insurance
- For how we can help Australians overseas, see the Consular services charter
- Australian Passports Office
- Visa information
Heads of Government
Heads of State, Prime Ministers, Foreign, Trade and Aid Ministers
Embassies and consulates
- Australian Embassy in Germany
- Australian Embassy in Germany website
- Australian Consulate-General in Frankfurt, Germany