The Japan–Australia Economic Partnership Agreement (JAEPA) improves Australia's access to Japan by eliminating or reducing certain barriers to trade in goods and services, as well as investment, between Japan and Australia. JAEPA came into force on 15 January 2015, making it easier to do business with Japan, our second-largest trading partner.
The Guide to using JAEPA to export or import goods page has more-detailed information about how you can make the most of JAEPA.
You can find out how to make sure your goods qualify for tariff cuts on our JAEPA and Certificates of Origin page.
The Australian Government, through Austrade, can provide more-specific information about Japan through its Japan market profile page. This includes how businesses in your sector are faring.
For more information about doing business in Japan and Japan's business culture, visit Austrade's Doing business in Japan page.
For more information about working with FTAs, visit the FTA Portal.
Learn more about using JAEPA from our JAEPA fact sheets and information page.