Summary of Publication
This is the Mid-Term Review (MTR) Report of the Australia Indonesia Health Security Partnership (AIHSP) as well as the Australian-funded COVID-19 response work of UNICEF and WHO in Indonesia. AIHSP was launched as an AUD$14 million, five-year bilateral health security program in February 2020 in partnership with Indonesia's Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA). Since then, it has significantly expanded in scope and has a current budget of AUD48 million, covering 20 districts in five provinces. The aim of AIHSP is to strengthen Government of Indonesia (GoI) systems to prevent, detect and respond to public health and animal health emergencies and strengthen national coordination responses to health threats. Australia funded WHO (AUD10.7 million) and UNICEF (AUD15.4 million) for COVID-19 response activities commencing in June 2020.
The purpose of the MTR (February 2020 to March 2023) was to assess whether Australia's health security partnership with Indonesia (activities managed by DT Global (AIHSP), UNICEF and WHO herein referred to as 'partners') is on track to achieve program outcomes and how it is contributing to the Indonesian health sector. In addition, the MTR sought to explore future considerations and provide recommendations for the remainder of this phase of the program as well as Australia's future support to the Indonesian health sector. Five key evaluation questions (KEQs) were identified. An independent MTR Team gathered evidence through a review of 112 documents and conducted face-to-face interviews and remote interviews with 194 representatives of partners and sub-partners, DFAT, DAFF, GoI, community groups including women's groups and organisations of persons with disabilities, and other donors to Indonesia.
Overall, from February 2020 to March 2023, AIHSP made good progress towards its end of program outcomes (EOPOs). This is despite a significant and effective pivot and scale-up of activities due to COVID-19 and animal disease outbreaks including foot and mouth disease (FMD) and lumpy skin disease (LSD).
Full Publication
- Australia Indonesia Health Security Partnership Mid-Term Review - Final Report June 2023 [DOCX 711 KB]
- Australia Indonesia Health Security Partnership Mid-Term Review - Final Report June 2023 [PDF 879 KB]
AIHSP MTR Report Annexes
- Australia Indonesia Health Security Partnership Mid-Term Review Report Annexes [DOCX 2.4 MB]
- Australia Indonesia Health Security Partnership Mid-Term Review Report Annexes [PDF 1.4 MB]