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New Colombo Plan

New Colombo Plan External Advisory Group

Invitation for submissions

The New Colombo Plan (NCP) is an Australian Government initiative that aims to build Australia’s capability in the Indo-Pacific by supporting Australian undergraduates to undertake study, language training and internships in the region.

It has never been more important for Australians to develop the capabilities to be effective in our region. As the Foreign Minister, Senator the Hon Penny Wong, said in her lecture to the Centre for Asian-Australian Leadership in August 2024, 'Australia’s interests demand we engage in the region more consistently and more deeply'. The Government wants to ensure that NCP participants bring back not just lasting memories, but new skills and capabilities that will broaden our national understanding of our region. 

To ensure the next phase of the NCP meets the strategic objective of strengthening the Indo-Pacific capability and literacy of Australians, the Minister for Foreign Affairs announced an External Advisory Group (EAG) chaired by the Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Hon Tim Watts MP. The External Advisory Group will consult the sector and other experts on how to ensure the next phase of the New Colombo Plan remains effective and builds the capability of our people.

The EAG is consulting stakeholders and is inviting formal submissions to inform its work. Submissions should be no more than 1,000 words and address one or more of the questions below.

Submissions should be provided by no later than 5pm AEDT, Friday 1 November 2024 to 

Guiding questions

  • Do the current strategic objectives of the NCP meet the need for Australians to increase Indo-Pacific capability and literacy? 
  • How can the NCP help increase Asian language learning in Australia?
  • How can the long-term benefits of the program be rigorously assessed?
  • How can the program use its alumni network effectively (over 50,000) to build sustained interest in the region? 
  • How can the NCP meet its primary objective of increasing Australia’s Indo-Pacific capability while ensuring participants come from diverse backgrounds?
  • How can the NCP engage industry and support more private sector career pathways? 
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