
Bilateral, economic and trade information
- Switzerland country brief - bilateral fact sheet
- Switzerland trade/economic fact sheet [PDF]
- Declaration of Intent on a Strategic Dialogue between the Government of Australia and the Federal Council of the Swiss Confederation
Travel information
- Before you travel, visit smartraveller.gov.au
- Read the travel advice for Switzerland
- Subscribe to updates
- Get the right travel insurance
- For how we can help Australians overseas, see the Consular services charter
- Australian Passports Office
- Visa information
Heads of Government
Heads of State, Prime Ministers, Foreign, Trade and Aid Ministers
Embassies and consulates
- Australian Embassy in Bern, Switzerland
- Australian Consulate-General in Geneva, Switzerland
- Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament
- Permanent Mission to the UN
- Permanent Mission to the WTO
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade seeks your feedback on the information provided on Europe. Please contact us by:
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Western Europe Section
EU and Western Europe Branch
RG Casey Building
John McEwen Crescent
Fax: (02) 6261 2176 / 6261 2990
Email: europe@dfat.gov.au