
With a 2,470km long coastline, Mozambique overlooks the Mozambique Channel - one of Africa’s primary gateways to the Indian Ocean. Following independence from Portugal in 1975, Mozambique subsequently went through a protracted civil war that ended in 1992. Portuguese remains the official language of the country.
Mozambique is a member of the Commonwealth, the Southern African Development Community and the Indian Ocean Rim Association.
Australia's diplomatic representation to Mozambique is from the High Commission in Pretoria, South Africa, assisted by an Honorary Consul in Maputo.
Economic and trade information
Mozambique country/economy fact sheet [PDF]
Travel information
- Before you travel, visit
- Read the travel advice for Mozambique
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- Get the right travel insurance
- For how we can help Australians overseas, see the Consular services charter
- Australian Passports Office
- Visa information
Heads of Government
Includes Heads of State, Prime Ministers, Foreign, Trade and Aid Ministers
Embassies and consulates
- Australian Consulate in Maputo, Mozambique
- The Australian High Commission in South Africa is responsible for Mozambique
Mozambique has no consulates in Australia. Enquires should be directed to the Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in Tokyo