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Provincial Road Improvement and Maintenance (PRIM) Program - End of Program Review

Summary of Publication

PRIM was a nine-year program (2013-2022) designed to improve the quality of Indonesia’s sub-national road network.

Australia provided AUD38 million in grants and AUD24.6 million in technical assistance through the Indonesia-Australia Partnership for Infrastructure (KIAT) and its predecessor program (IndII) to demonstrate the use of performance-based grants in incentivising Local Governments (LGs) to improve their approaches to road maintenance.

The PRIM End of Program Review (EPR) was conducted in December 2022 - January 2023 to assess its performance against its End-of-Program Outcomes:

  • Improve the capacity and systems to manage quality road maintenance;
  • Improve the financing and delivery of local road maintenance; and
  • Provide evidence for a replicable model that could cover all 500-plus local governments nationally with funding from GoI’s grant scheme.

The independent review found that the PRIM program has delivered substantial achievements against all three key outcomes. Importantly, the Government of Indonesia in 2019 launched its own subnational roads program (Program Hibah Jalan Daerah or PHJD) modelled after PRIM and funded by Indonesia’s national budget.

The findings and lessons detailed in the report provide a foundation and evidence-base for the design of future performance-based investments in the infrastructure sector both within Indonesia and across the region.

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