Summary of publication
Under the ANCP Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework (MELF), ANCP-specific indicators were developed as a way for DFAT to capture the quantitative information about the contribution ANCP NGOs are making to the ANCP intermediate outcomes under the program logic as well as the Australian Aid Program’s strategic goals more broadly. These indicators were revised following consultation and finalised in June 2020. These were complemented by Aggregate Development Results (ADRs) – indicators of development impact that can be aggregated across the aid program to demonstrate the contribution of Australian aid to development outcomes in partner countries.
Additional COVID-19 specific indicators were finalised in August 2020 to allow consolidated reporting across programs supported by DFAT’s Humanitarian, Partnerships and NGO Division: the ANCP and the Australian Humanitarian Partnership Program (AHP). These indicators will remain in place for the duration of Partnerships for Recovery.