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The Third RCEP Joint Committee Meeting, 21-22 February 2023

Trade and investment

The Third RCEP Joint Committee (RJC) was held in Bandung, Indonesia on 21-22 February 2023, co-chaired by Indonesia and Australia. Mr Ravi Kewalram, First Assistant Secretary, FTA and Stakeholder Engagement Division, was Australian Co-Chair of the Meeting. Australia’s delegation was led by Ms Juliana Nam, Assistant Secretary, FTA Policy and Economic Cooperation Branch, FTA and Stakeholder Engagement Division.

Under Article 18.3 of the Agreement, the RJC considers all matters related to the implementation and operation of RCEP, including supervision of the subsidiary bodies tasked with the technical work necessary to advance RCEP’s built-in agenda.

At the meeting, the RJC made preparations for the Second RCEP Ministers’ Meeting held in Semarang, Indonesia on the sidelines of the 55th ASEAN Economic Ministers’ Meetings.

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