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Australia signs the Mauritius Convention on Transparency

International relations

Australia's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations HE Ms Gillian Bird signed the United Nations Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration on 18 July 2017 in New York.

This is an important step in further supporting transparency in investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) proceedings and we hope it paves the way for other countries to sign up to the Convention.

The Convention extends the application of the UNCITRAL Rules on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration to ISDS arbitrations initiated under treaties concluded prior to 1 April 2014. Following signature, ratification will be considered by the Australian Parliament through the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties.

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United Nations Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration

Australia's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations HE Ms Gillian Bird signing the United Nations Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration on 18 July 2017 in New York. Credit: Carrie McDougall / DFAT
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