AUSMIN - Australia-United States Ministerial Consultations

The Australia–US Ministerial Consultations (AUSMIN) is the principal forum for bilateral consultations with the United States. Held regularly, alternating between Australia and the United States, AUSMIN brings together the Australian Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Defence with the US Secretaries of State and Defense, along with senior officials from both portfolios.
The consultations are the premier strategic forum to discuss and share approaches to global and regional developments, and to deepen bilateral defence and policy cooperation.
AUSMIN locations and dates
Year | Number | Host | Location | Date | Principals (AUS FM/DM; US Sec. State/Sec. Def or delegate) |
2024 | 34 | United States | Annapolis | 6-Aug | Penny Wong/Richard Marles; Antony Blinken/Lloyd Austin |
2023 | 33 | Australia | Brisbane | 29-Jul | Penny Wong/Richard Marles; Antony Blinken/Lloyd Austin |
2022 | 32 | United States | Washington DC | 6-Dec | Penny Wong/Richard Marles; Antony Blinken/Lloyd Austin |
2021 | 31 | United States | Washington DC | 16-Jul | Marise Payne/ Peter Dutton; Antony Blinken/Lloyd Austin |
2020 | 30 | United States | Washington DC | 28-Jul | Marise Payne/Linda Reynolds; Mike Pompeo/Mark Esper |
2019 | 29 | Australia | Sydney | 4-Aug | Marise Payne/Linda Reynolds; Mike Pompeo/Mark Esper |
2018 | 28 | United States | Palo Alto | 23-24 July | Julie Bishop/Marise Payne; Mike Pompeo/James Mattis |
2017 | 27 | Australia | Sydney | 5-Jun | Julie Bishop/Marise Payne; Rex W. Tillerson/James Mattis |
2016 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
2015 | 26 | United States | Boston | 13-Oct | Julie Bishop/Marise Payne; John Kerry/Ashton Carter |
2014 | 25 | Australia | Sydney | 12-Aug | Julie Bishop/David Johnston; John Kerry/Chuck Hagel |
2013 | 24 | United States | Washington DC | 20-Nov | Julie Bishop/David Johnston: John Kerry/Chuck Hagel |
2012 | 23 | Australia | Perth | 14-Nov | Bob Carr/Stephen Smith; Hillary Clinton/Leon Panetta |
2011 | 22 | United States | San Francisco | 14-15 September | Kevin Rudd/Stephen Smith; Hillary Clinton/Leon Panetta |
2010 | 21 | Australia | Melbourne | 8-Nov | Kevin Rudd/Stephen Smith; Hillary Clinton/Robert Gates |
2009 | 20 | United States | Washington DC | 9-Apr | Stephen Smith/Joel Fitzgibbon; Hillary Clinton/Robert Gates |
2008 | 19 | Australia | Canberra | 23-Feb | Stephen Smith/Joel Fitzgibbon; John Negroponte (Deputy)/Robert Gates |
2007 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
2006 | 18 | United States | Washington DC | 12-Dec | Alexander Downer/Brendan Nelson; Condoleeza Rice/Gordon England (Deputy) |
2005 | 17 | Australia | Adelaide | 17-18 November | Alexander Downer/Robert Hill; Robert Zoellick (Deputy)/Donald Rumsfeld |
2004 | 16 | United States | Washington DC | 7-Jul | Alexander Downer/Robert Hill; Colin Powell/Donald Rumsfeld |
2003 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
2002 | 15 | United States | Washington DC | 29-Oct | Alexander Downer/Robert Hill; Colin Powell/Donald Rumsfeld |
2001 | 14 | Australia | Canberra | 30-Jul | Alexander Downer/Peter Reith; Colin Powell/Donald Rumsfeld |
2000 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
1999 | 13 | United States | Washington DC | 3-Nov | Alexander Downer/John Moore; Madeline Albright/William Cohen |
1998 | 12 | Australia | Sydney | 30-31 July | Alexander Downer/Ian McLachlan; Madeline Albright/William Cohen |
1997 | 11 | United States | Washington DC | 8-Oct | Alexander Downer/Ian McLachlan; Madeline Albight/William Cohen |
1996 | 10 | Australia | Sydney | 26-27 July | Alexander Downer/Ian McLachlan; Warren Christopher/William Perry |
1995 | 9 | United States | Washington DC | 19-Apr | Gareth Evans/Robert Ray; Warren Christopher/William Perry |
1994 | 8 | Australia | Canberra | 7-9 March | Gareth Evans/Robert Ray; Warren Christopher/William Perry |
1993 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
1992 | 7 | United States | Washington DC | 1-Oct | Gareth Evans/Robert Ray; Lawrence Eagleburger/Paul Wolfowitz (Deputy) |
1991 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
1990 | 6 | United States | Washington DC | 8-Oct | Gareth Evans/Robert Ray; James Baker/Richard Cheney |
1989 | 5 | Australia | Sydney | 3-4 November | Gareth Evans/Kim Beazley; James Baker/Richard Cheney |
1988 | 4 | United States | Washington DC | 28-29 June | Bill Hayden/Kim Beazley; George Shultz/Frank Carlucci |
1987 | 3 | Australia | Sydney | 22-Jun | Bill Hayden/Kim Beazley; George Shultz/Caspar Weinberger |
1986 | 2 | United States | San Francisco | 11-12 August | Bill Hayden/Kim Beazley; George Shultz/ Caspar Weinberger |
1985 | 1 | Australia | Canberra | Jul-15 | Bill Hayden/Kim Beazley; George Shultz/ Admiral Crowe (CINCPAC) |