Summary of publication
This document outlines the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Plan (MELP) for Nabilan.
This MELP clearly defines the program theory of change, identifies how achievements against the theory of change will be monitored and evaluated, and considers how this information will be used for learning, adaptation, and reporting. This document includes the following features:
- Theory of Change (TOC): This section presents the hypothesis of how change will happen, in order to contribute to the identified end of program outcomes.
- Purpose and scope: This section covers the purpose, audience and boundaries of the MELP.
- Key evaluation questions (KEQs): This section presents the KEQs for each outcome, with corresponding sub-questions and indicators.
- Monitoring and evaluation methods: This section provides details on implementation of this MELP - data collection methods, identifying tools, responsibilities and timing.
- Learning, Dissemination and Reporting: This section describes how monitoring and evaluation processes will feed into program learning and decision-making, and how findings will be shared and reported.
- Implementation of the MELP: This section provides an outline of resourcing, timelines and responsibilities for implementation of the MELP.
Nabilan, under the leadership of the Team Leader, will review the MELP annually and amend as needed.