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Flag of Iraq

Iraq humanitarian response

Australian humanitarian funding in Iraq supports our national interests in the Middle East, including by promoting security and stability in the region.

The fight against Da’esh has been a source of regional and global instability, an incubator for international terrorism, and a major destination for foreign terrorist fighters.

Despite the declaration of military victory over Da'esh by then Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on 9 December 2017, many Iraqis remain vulnerable and in need of humanitarian assistance.

Australia has committed over $207 million in assistance to Iraq since 2014. Our support has helped Iraq meet the essential humanitarian needs of vulnerable people, restore essential infrastructure and services, and contributed to building social cohesion in the aftermath of the conflict.

Partners under Australia’s current assistance include the UN Development Programme Financing Facility for Stabilisation (UNDP FFS), the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), and the Building Peaceful Futures Consortium led by Save the Children.

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