Development assistance in Cambodia

Related initiatives
Health Equity and Quality Improvement Project Phase 2 (H-EQIP 2)
$30 million, 2022-27
The Health Equity and Quality Improvement Project Phase 2 (H-EQIP 2) aims to improve health outcomes and increase financial protection for the poor by improving the quality of health care, strengthening health systems, and growing demand for and use of health services. H-EQIP 2 builds on the achievements of H-EQIP 1 and aligns with the Royal Government of Cambodia's priority of achieving Universal Health Care (i.e. everyone receiving the health services they need without suffering financial hardship).
H-EQIP 2 is led by the World Bank through an International Development Association loan arrangement with the Royal Government of Cambodia via a Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF). Australia played a key role in the design of H-EQIP 2 and is the major MDTF contributor.
Related documents*
Name of document | Year published | Type |
Health Equity and Quality Improvement Project Phase 2 Project Appraisal Document | 2022 | Report |
Vaccine Access and Health Security Initiative (VAHSI)
$42.7 million, 2020-24
The Vaccine Access and Health Security Initiative (VAHSI) is a regional program which aims to strengthen the ability of countries to access vaccines, and selectively engage technical expertise to support preparedness and delivery.
Australia has committed $42.7 million under VAHSI to support a safe, effective, and equitable vaccine roll out in Cambodia. Australia is supporting the scale up of routine immunisation services as part of ongoing pandemic recovery efforts, supplying COVID-19 vaccination doses and supporting the national vaccine roll-out, building the capacity of healthcare workers through training, and providing Australian technical expertise to ensure vaccine safety and build quality immunisation programs.
Related links
Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security Cambodia Vaccine Support website
Cambodia Nutrition Project (CNP)
USD$5 million, 2019-26
The Cambodia Nutrition Project (CNP) is a World Bank-led project which builds on the achievements of H-EQIP and aims to improve utilisation and quality of priority maternal and child health and nutrition services for targeted groups in Cambodia.
CNP is supported through Australia's contributions to the Advance UHC multi-donor trust fund.
Related documents*
Name of document | Year published | Type |
Cambodia Nutrition Project Implementation Status and Results Report | 2022 | Report |
*The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is committed to high standards of transparency and accountability in the management of the Australian aid program through publishing information on our website, including policies, plans, results, evaluations and research. Our practice is to publish documents after the partner government and any other partners directly involved in the delivery of the initiative have been consulted. Not all material published on this site is created by the Australian aid program and therefore not all documents reflect our views. In limited circumstances some information may be withheld for reasons including privacy and commercial sensitivity.